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© Quelle(n):
Gonna vile on her feast till she withering wail
Really nice patch, not sure about the Poppy change because the main reason she got nerfed again was because she was too flexible with cards like Taric, Lulu, Zed etc. But I'm still excited to try her with all of the new cards.
eternal is looking more and more like a lawless land
von yip is in fact a cat
Von yip is the cat, not the guy
i wanted rhasa back…
Can't say anything is broken if everything is broken
this is hilarious because seraphine ezreal will still just be the best deck in eternal anyways
Draven is back! Back again! Draven is back! Draven is back! Draven is back! 👌
Mimic into decimate on Karma
what a cute baby in the thumnail 🥰