Die Priesterin der Lichtbeschwörung – Nidalee, Garen, Kai’sa, Jarven IV, Nasus und Galio ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ★ Decklist (https://runeterra .ar/decks/code/CMDACAIAAQAQMAALAEDQACACAQDRAHACAUAAUDACAYDQKNYDAECAO3IBAYACCAIHA4EQMAIBAAGACBAABAAQIBZPAEDAOCIBA4DQ2AQFAAERI) (CMDACAIAAQAQMAALAEDQACACAQDRAHACAUAAUDACAYDQKNYDAECAO3IBAYACCAIHA4EQMAIBAAGACBA ABAAQIBZPAEDAOCIBA4DQ2AQFAAERI) ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ★ Zeitstempel 00:00 Spiel 1 09:38 Spiel 2 14:40 Spiel 3 20:46 Spiel 4 24:45 Spiel 5 ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Schauen Sie sich Malaghose an: https://twitter.com/Malag Schlauch ★ Sonniger: Twitch ★ https://www.twitch.tv/Snnuy Twitter ★ https://www.twitter.com/SnnuyLoR Discord ★ https://discord.gg/YAYwk8x TikTok ★ https://www.tiktok.com/@snnuylor Geschäftsanfragen ★ [email protected] Treten Sie diesem Kanal bei, um Zugang zu Vergünstigungen zu erhalten ★ https://www .youtube.com/channel/UCrMr5Wc0Cn5AGINmUEEquzdA/join Bearbeitet von: Shadoka #lor #LegendsofRuneterra #Snnuy

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41 Gedanken zu „Ich habe jede Runde kostenlos GROSSE CHAMPIONS beschworen – Legends of Runeterra“
  1. Been trying an udyr priestess feel the deck. With the aim of using ram stance to gie the priestess regen and pop a champ a turn, it sucks but it's fun to drop a tryndamere turn 7 with buffed stats and get an nasus right after.

  2. Oh good its not just me that feels these new champs are awful even in POC. I m legit struggling to complete the pass when it seems like you have to wait multiple turns to get your win condition online. I suppose i should explain it just feels like you cannot block for the first turn either because of the the champ or the deck or occasionally the stars effect. First time I have regularly lost the first fight (in POC) it feels like the champs need a buff, the stars need a buff and the decks need a buff as they are terrible.

  3. Hi Snnuy! Thanks for playing my deck on your channel. It's been a dream of mine that a large content creator plays a deck I made. You played it very well. That impact in the last game was unfortunate. You almost went undefeated!

  4. "End of Intro : "This deck is amazing."
    First comment on gameplay : "It's already a bad deck"

    This is why I don't like Snnuy as much as Grapplr. He wants to play meme decks, but always have an elite mentality. Everything is bad if it's not top tier.

  5. I've run almost this exact setup with Secret Keeper and unyielding spirit – I didn't even think of using Altar to Unity! Also, I made it before Heart of the Huntress so I had Renekton instead of Nidalee. Might have to try this version instead!

  6. Hello, i kinda doubt it would work as much but can a Priestess freljord work ? Using Boar Stance to give the priestess +0/+2 and regen, virtually summoning each turn (maybe with Secret Keeper to get even more champions to summon ^^)

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