Deckliste: Code: CIDACAIEGQAQEBQJAEDAMJYBA4DCSAYIAYBAQDYDBACAQCISAQAQEBRWAEDQMDQBBADBSAIIAQA QEAIHAYBACCAGDQ 0:00 – Deck Tech 10:23 – Hat das Gameplay Spaß gemacht? Lasst ein Like da und ABONNIEREN! Es ist kostenlos! Kostenlos ist gut! Abonnieren Sie meinen Kanal: Ich streame dieses Spiel oft auf Twitch, folgen Sie mir dort: Senden Sie mir Ihre Deckbilder: [email protected] Folgen Sie mir auf Twitter: #megamogwai #legendsofruneterra #lor
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Hey Mogwai, a card that I like to use a lot in Nilah's deck and Ibaaros' weapon, which would be the Darkin Harpoon, which when attacking against a fleeting card next turn, is the best thing and for it on the field, as well as the amount of purchases we make throughout the game and he's getting gigantic.
Another important point to talk about would be after Janna's arrival, I put together a very good Ryze deck that with her temple is practically a win game.
Janna nilah were the reason i stopped playing last expansion. Getting my cards removed and my nexus at the same time was pretty stupid.
Can't you just run Aftershock to kill Junior on curve?
my man you need to stop skipping with Janna, it’s always better to updraft if you got Temple anyway.
thank you Mogwai
I havent seen Mog be so passionate by that game for a while. Is this the best, or close to the best meta that ever was in LoR? By the way, don't try to make your deck tech shorter. They're the best part of your videos…
What does OTK means?
Hey Miguel, awesome video as always! Thank you for your effort. May I ask you for a new vision on a GP deck? Thanks!
I saw a pretty neat list using nilah and jack with fleljord as second region, playing more like low curve beat down deck with slipstream so you don't run out of card and coin so you can possibly play your expensive fleeting card
Mog, feel like playing Marvel Snap again?? The game is in a pretty good state right now…
I haven't play LoR for a year, needed a break for 1 year. nice to be back, nice to see Mogwai back
Twisted Fate
Awesome deck definitely trying it
CIDACAQGBAAQOAYOAEEAGHADAEBQWHZIAMBAGAIDA4BQMAYMB4SQEAICAYOACAQDAYAA This deck code has been getting me a lot of wins. It avoids the current meta as best as it can by relying on damage tricks to have massive explosive turns and win by trading one guy for two after the Shadow Isle Players try to sac their stuff to kill yours. Has the potential to outgrow most champions with burst speed tricks. Just Credit Brack if you want to check it out and feature it brother.
this one video actually made me appreciate the brash keyword soo much more
Let go
I do wonder how much Janna and Jack are actually doing in this deck. I feel like MF could also fit here.
This deck looks super cool! So sad I don't have enough essence to build it
Love this deck!
Very fun deck using brash, thanks Mog
You should be able to discard curses with rummage etc imo
Doing a good job keeping up the videos
Mr Miguel, they are bar-knuckles, not bark-nuckles. It's a play on barnacles, not bark.
You're a pro
Yasuo please