#JinxDidNothingWrong #LegendsOfRuneterra #LOR Deck Code: CIDACAQCAMAQGBQEAEBQECQBAQBA2AQGAIRSMBYBAIFAYEZAEQSTOAABAEDAEJA Deck Link: https://masteringruneterra.com/deck/CIDACAQCAMAQGBQEAEBQECQBAQBA2AQGAIRSMBYBAIFAYEZAEQSTOAABAEDAEJA 00:00 Intro 00:18 Deck Tech 02:37 Zed Hecarim Get Barrier’d 10:21 Vayne And The Darkin Gang ! DIESER DRUCK!! 20:26 Yi Riven LASS IHN KOCHEN!!
© Quelle(n):
early gang
Please like I want to see that Demacia Kench
W Shen
how about Tahm Lulu with her focus speed barrier?
No waaaay, cold food tahm and infernal tahm. Why didnt we see this before?
I havent sae the video, but my idea cause barrier is not used as much cause aoe 1 hp board clears and stuff like that i guess
TK decks are wild
I really like my Tham Kench Lux deck ! Control barrier Tham !!
can you check your previous video comments
why you never play deny in ionia decks xD
Over 25 likes and over 25 comments already.
Day 0 waiting for Demacia Kench
Pretty tasty indeed! Care maybe doing a combo with climbers/Ionia support while throwing some out of the way shenanigans? 😏😉
Woo a shen deck! You know there is a way to give barrier to everyone in the deck! Good ol' void gate to the rescue yet again!
The 6 cost unit in sharima can be given barrier and other keywords throughout the match and then also evolve when while activating 2 barrier ticks for shen!
The 6 cost zed spell can also be used to make your keyword soup units spread even faster throughout the deck!
Double attack can also be spread by the 6 cost dragon fist or the 4 cost spell that gives a unit double attack if they have quick attack already in ionia!
Lifesteal can also be used with the darkin dan plus the actual darkin unit or just use 4 cost tasty fae for the voice lines :)!
If you need keywords or even better more devastating units, try out the 4 cost spell that recently came out that summons/stuns an exact copy of a follower! HAPPY DECK BUILDING! SHEN ROCKS!
Good stuff, I eagerly await the Demacia Tahm Kench