Ich und mein bester Freund aller Zeiten, der cool ist, haben ein paar Spiele dieser schrecklichen Scheiße gespielt. Wenn du mehr sehen willst, sag mir keine Ahnung, ob das wirklich gut ist, oder sieh mir live zu und sei nett zu mir: https://www.twitch.tv /slimeirl bearbeitet von: https://twitter.com/paxism__

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Von Esports

33 Gedanken zu „sich mit tapferen Teenagern abfinden“
  1. idea for how to improve the vids. might not be possible and is definitely more work, but it would be cool to add ludwigs facecam for reactions/when he's talking etc. probably not viable, he might be playing with you off stream so you cant rip it from there, but i think adding his facecam (generally speaking the facecam of the people you play with, not ludwig for clickbait) would improve my viewing experience and the content overall.

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