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50 Gedanken zu „Wie man SAGE Like A RADIANT spielt (Valorant-Tipps)“
  1. Walling mid gives a lot of audio cues as to how much enemies are rushing/pushing mid. Even if it turns out to be a fake, it would at least give you an idea which side of the map they were firing it from which gives you an idea as to which part of the map the enemies are trying to occupy. Also, your Slow Orbs are really good at stalling rushes, especially comps with Raze and Jett, you can slow either mid or entry which makes trading out the entry duelist harder for the rest of the enemy teams or simply slowing mid to isolate it while you help your teammates fend off the ones entering in site.

  2. Really bad video
    Attackers don't always break it
    And if doesn't get broken that's almost a grantee that there's no lurker
    Even if they break it it's still much easier to fight mid with only one or two parts of it broken
    Ofc.using everyround is bad if they break it and leave mid
    As for the sage heal it depends on the round

  3. This guy is an idiot. He has to be intentionally telling people how to be bad so they stay a low rank. In soloQ you wall mid. I don't care what you think this goon told you, wall mid. If they break it, cool. Tell your team they're shooting it and retain mid control. This map is won and lost on mid control, and people hate it because they don't understand that abd they'd rather blame the map than actually use their brain.

  4. When we are able to successfully block a site from attackers and i know we gotta rotate which takes around 15-20s before another fight takes place…. Should I still not heal myself if I'm around 40-70HP?

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