Heute habe ich einen echten Leckerbissen für euch, Ezreal Seraphine Riegel, diesmal fast ausschließlich mit einem davon!! Dieses Deck hat 25 Zaubersprüche und 25 einzigartige Zaubersprüche, um Seraphine auf Turbo-Niveau zu bringen und super hart von Bar zu profitieren, viel Spaß!!! Deck-Code: CQBQCAIEEQBAKCRRUYAQEBQECUUAABYBAQCAOAQDAQCA2AQFAQGRCAQGBITSQBABAQARWJZUAYDAIDQSCYQCEKYIAUFAIKERAGSADNABYYA5CAOVAE Deck-Link: Tracker: Finde mich auf: Twitch: Twitter: Meine Website! Mein Podcast Runeterra beherrschen: YT: Spotify: I-Tunes: Gestreamt am 29.11.22 Zeitstempel: 0:00 Intro 0:24 Spiel 1 10:07 Spiel 2 18:30 Spiel 3 35:20 Spiel 4 43:50 Bonus Szene Bearbeitet von Calpolmeister 🙂

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27 Gedanken zu „Dieses Deck hat 28 Einzelstücke und ist komplett kaputt….“
  1. Yeah, Ezreal is the noninteractive part of the deck and can be seen as a problem… Not for me though, Seraphine Bar decks are the only reason why I play LoR over MTG where I usually just make aggro players mad with Azorius Control decks…

  2. IM GONNA PULL MY EYES OUT!! WHEN HE PLAYED VS THE LURK DECK HE COULD HAVE LIVED!! When the opponent played the hatching he could have played sandstone charger + Lambs respite and the charger would have survived until next turn to block the hatchling ;-;. He complained he got trash cards(which was true honestly) BUT those were exactly the cards he needed….he didnt believe in the heart of the cards so he lost :(.

  3. funny how ppl complain about ezreal when all he did is getting carried by seraphin and barkeep mana reduction spells yup ezreal is the problem 🤡 ezreal is also the problem on other seraphin decks that don't run ezreal 🤡 deff not barkeep and the fact that seraphin have 4 meta decks where she don't even need ezreal to auto win meanwhile ez only have one and it includes seraphine + barkeep surly as if seraphin barkeep isn't the issue here 🤡

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