Casting-Wiederholungen an [email protected] mit dem Betreff Brood War! #StarCraft #BroodWar #StarCraftRemastered

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16 Gedanken zu „Falcon überträgt deine Brood War-Wiederholungen! FME! BGH! Spielen Sie mit Falcon!“
  1. Woohoo! Now that you've found the masser, you've got everything needed to play Helms Deep well! Just keep your heroes, the observer, and the shuttle hotkeyed, and you're playing with the best of them.That way you can keep an eye on your heroes and make sure they don't die, and quickly move your massed troops.

  2. 2:23:24 oh yeah Thanos is strong, but the UED took on Tarrasks by itself. All 3 armies at the same time? Thanos wouldn't even be an issue. How many infested Terrans do you think Thanos can take to the face? I'm gonna say 11. 11 infested terrans. He's dead at twelve I say. That's still a LOT. But with a whole army? Manageable

  3. With the GreenTea vs Sunsang, I think Greentea just got bored or felt it was a standstill… however he had the whole rest of the map, i would have made a bunch of stargates to pump out a bunch of carriers and keep them coming, and target attack the wraiths and turrets down, obviously keep observers in the mix, then supply depots so he can't make reinforcements, by then should get a gg from sunsang.

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