Casting-Wiederholungen an [email protected] mit dem Betreff Brood War! #StarCraft #BroodWar #StarCraftRemastered

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19 Gedanken zu „Falcon überträgt deine Brood War-Wiederholungen! FME! BGH! Spielen Sie mit Falcon!“
  1. I hope I didn’t loose you credits of trust, Falcon? Gotta admit defense with heroes was goood. But now got it how to kill both hinges quick (not quick enough yet), first one did with ultras and second with Saruman, one problem is huge though – traffic jams and heroes blocking the ramp.

  2. 3:11:20 – bringing all your tanks right up to the wall is a bad idea for exactly this reason; the enemy can get up that wall easily and kill them. Bringing them to the left wall is less risky since there isn't an easy path up to it, but it's still a risk. The tanks aren't really that important against heroes anyway; as you can see in this game, they aren't enough to break a competent hero defense by themselves. Don't get caught up on normal starcraft logic where tanks=very dangerous; in this, they're well and truly inferior to even one hero unit, who can kill them all and then heal after. Honestly, tanks are not particularly useful in the early game, since everything a tank can kill, your army can kill too – and in fact can get in your way if their splash damage kills some of the units you had body-blocking a hero. They're better off being hoarded safely for the tunnel section at the end, where they're extremely important.

    In situations like this, where Good is playing a competent defense, it is up to Evil to make something happen by shaking things up with their own heroes. If you put Duran forwards just enough to shoot Gimli, but your horde blocks them from being able to reach Duran, then you can force them back very quickly, or outright kill them if they're surrounded and can't retreat (but beware Haldir(Raynor) or any of Good's other ranged heroes showing up). You have a better chance of killing them if they venture outwards a little to kill the remaining hydras after the melee units die off, or if they charge out to kill the tanks.

    3:17:17 – Heroes certainly are the answer, but they don't stay alive easily. Evil's heroes are mostly assassin types with more damage than tankiness, and really shouldn't be thrown into the enemy army, while Good's heroes are for killing armies (and will also kill your heroes just as well). Keeping an eye on your heroes and keeping them living is where a person's skill in the map comes into play. In particular, your heroes should never be anywhere near the static defenses, especially when they're invincible, with the exception of knocking down the wall right at the start of the game.

    You're still mostly pointing your screen at your army like this was a normal game of starcraft, but that thinking will doom you here; to improve further in this map, you'll need to change your thinking a little. "Your army is just a tide to be vaguely commanded and mostly left to it's own devices, while your heroes (and the enemy heroes) are what your screen should be on whenever possible. Other than using the mass-mover, you should only really be moving the army to trap-in an enemy hero, or to order them out of the way and make sure your heroes have a path to retreat through, or into the path of the enemy so that they can't reach your own heroes." That approach should improve your ability on the map.

  3. Why did Ride-or-Die not rebuild nexus(es)? I imagine he thought he would just mega-produce on his 40k bank but damn, it doesn't take much to get a nexus or two going again. AND he had a 2nd base to do it if he wanted. I know CanIplayPlz had burrowed units hitting his original nexus area but seems like that would have been sniffed out.

  4. Edit : Warning ⚠ : *LAME COMMENT INCOMING* (Lol so brace yourself.. And try not to be too harsh after reading this please lol). Also please keep in mind I'm really old lol.. I live on Long Island, in New York, in the United States of America.. If anyone cares lol.. I was born May 1st, 1988, and today is September 11, 2021, so I just turned 33 this year (sorry I just feel that by "exposing" my age and "location" that others/some people might be able to understand and/or relate better (with) where I'm comin' from with "my thoughts" and everything :
    Lol you're such a genuinely nice dude. It reminds me of when I used to watch Nick Jr. (Waaay before it was its' own separate channel lol, when it was just the "children's block" of shows in the morning on Nickelodeon). I could totally see you bein' basically any character from any of those shows that were on back in the day lol, but I definitely see you more as like Steve from "Blue's Clues", but like a real life version lol. I mean cuz of how nice you are. You are definitely not anywhere near as dumb as him though obviously/of course lol, like I'm sure you don't/wouldn't need your blue puppy to help you figure out simple everyday things, messages and/or "mysteries" lol. Plus I'm sure you could figure out what your (blue/Blue) dog wants/wanted, after one or two clues and not need all 3 lol, am I right? Lol. I'm sorry for this lame and stupid comment, but I did out a warning at the beginning lol. I figured since we are semi close in age that you would hopefully get the reference(s) and I could possibly hopefully make you (and possibly whoever else reads this) smile and/or laugh/chuckle a bit, while being nostalgic in a way as well hopefully lol.

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