Casting-Wiederholungen an [email protected] mit dem Betreff Brood War! #StarCraft #BroodWar #StarCraftRemastered #CarbotAnimation

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7 Gedanken zu „Falcon überträgt deine Brood War-Wiederholungen! FME! BGH! Spielen Sie mit Falcon!“
  1. Thanks for the stream, Falcon!

    p.s. Wow I got 82 APM at FME 🙂 cant believe that.
    p.p.s. "He likes coming to my base" – cause your hydras and lurkers wrecked my Tossville pretty well 🙂 Zealots upset. I had to come with kinda of army at least once ^^

  2. That scan vs voss fight is exactly why I never play as Zerg… They lack the ability to constantly produce units in the beginning and Zerg units aren't all that versatile. I once did a 3v3 fme and I made like 12 Valkyries just to protect from drops and mass mutas coming in to destroy my CC. One of my team mates got so mad and called me a noob but he sure changed his mind when a hundred mutas came to take down his Nexus and I swooped in and one shot just about all of them.

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