Ich streame fast jeden Tag ab 10 Uhr PST. 🎲Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/idyce 🎲Twitter: https://twitter.com/IDyce_ 🎲Discord: https://discord.gg/784dYz2zpD 🎲Decks: https://runeterra.ar/pMtKkjfIPyfVTyrIg9QYcYZMVkA3 Deck Code: CIDQCAIADIAQIAAOAECQSBQBAYAAWAIGBECAEAYABAFQIAYJAMRTGSACAEBAAAICAMEVOZABAEDASKA https://lor.mobalytics.gg/decks/code/CIDQCAIADIAQIAAOAECQSBQBAYAAWAIGBECAEAYABAFQIAYJAMRTGSACAEBAAAICAMEVOZABAEDASKA 00:00:00 Intro 00:02:17 Game 1 ( Jinx Lulu ) 00:16:33 Game 2 ( Viktor Aphelios ) 00:21 :54 Spiel 3 ( Ezreal Seraphine ) 00:31:32 Spiel 4 ( Seraphine Aphelios ) 00:40:46 Endbildschirm Lor Dragons Deck Guide, Runeterra Dragons Deck, Lor Shyvana Asol Deck, Best Dragon Deck Lor, Legends of Runeterra Joraal Dragon Deck Deck, Lor Aurelion Sol Shyvana, Shyvana Asol Deck, Shyvana, Aurelion Sol, A Sol, Drachendeck, bestes Drachendeck, konkurrenzfähiges Drachendeck, Shyvana Asol Drachendeck, konkurrenzfähiges Drachendeck Lor, Drachendeckführer, bestes Drachendeck Runeterra, bestes drachendeck runeterra, führer, wie man zu meistern kommt, schlage das meta , bestes neues Pyke Lurk Deck Runeterra, Masters Climb, Legends of Runeterra, Lor, LegendsofRuneterra, LoL-Kartenspiel, Runeterra, Idyce, Dyce, The Darkin Saga: Domination Expansion Patch 3.19 Riot Card Game #Lor #Dragons #LegendsofRuneterra #Dyce #iDyce #Shyvana #AurelionSol #Fury #Neu #ShyvanaAurelionSol #AsolShyvana #ASol #Buff #Masters #Deckguide

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Ein Gedanke zu „NEUE UND VERBESSERTE DRACHEN – SHYVANA AURELION SOL | Legenden von Runeterra | Dyce“
  1. hey Dyce! don't you think the best idea about that first game was to draw 2 different dragon then use the pale cascade? cause this would increase the chance to get the guiding or single. the overwhelm sure is spicy but the open attack is guaranteed lethal so might just use it before

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