Twisted Fate ist einer der ikonischsten Champions, wenn es um League of Legends geht, und natürlich mussten sie ihn als den Karten-Champion in das League of Legends-Kartenspiel aufnehmen! So; Wie haben sie das gemacht? Folgen Sie mir, während ich es für Sie aufschlüssele! Lass mich in den Kommentaren wissen, wen ich als nächstes analysieren soll! Bleiben Sie mit meinen Gedanken über Social Media auf dem Laufenden! ►TWITCH – ►TWITTER – ►DISCORD – Video wurde von Marshall bearbeitet! Schaut ihn euch auf YT/Twitter an! ►TWITTER – ► YOUTUBE

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25 Gedanken zu „Von Rift nach Runeterra: Twisted Fate“
  1. His ult I'd probably make it a tutor card to bring it to the hand, or directly summoning it from the deck. I think both are viable with some tweaking.

    I'd say something like

    Gambler's call
    5🔵 🏴‍☠Bilgewater
    Discard 1 card from your hand to Summon a Twisted Fate from the deck.

    The tutor nature of the card means you technically doubled your TF's on draw, it could also synergize with TF's Pick a card to recycle them and summon them. Since it's a Summon from the deck it means that the card is dead if you lost all your TF's or drew them previously, and it does pretty much nothing else other than being direct TF support, so you couldn't splash it on non-TF decks.

    The discard is to add some extra cost to summoning a unit and it's flavorful from TF having to spend a card to teleport into the battlefield.The most broken thing that could come from this is if you already have a leveled TF you are doubling your effects, but at that point it would probably be the time to start finishing the game and is a win-more card while you could be doing other things to actually close the game.

    Edit: It was originally named Destiny's call until I remembered there was already a 🗻Targon card named like that

  2. About destiny, you could have:
    1. Reveal a champion card in the enemy's hand. Plunder: If they dont have any, reveal the top champion in the enemy's deck.
    2. Predict all champions in the enemy's deck. Plunder: The chosen champion is shuffled into the enemy's deck.
    Both more leaning on the gathering information than on tbe play making, but I think tf has enough value itself.

  3. Wild Card
    3 Mana
    Damage an enemy 1 damage 3 times. If the target is destroyed, damage the Nexus instead.

    2 Mana
    Predict from your opponent's deck. Draw the card selected.

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