Der Winter kommt für Norra und Heimerdinger in diesem neuen Blue NorraDonger Deck!!! Dieses Deck verwendet Spirits Unleashed, um alle erstellten Einheiten zu stärken, für riesige Geschütztürme und noch größere ARAM-Champions der Stufe 2! Genießen!! Deck-Code: CQCQCAIEHAAQKAIPAIBQCAQJAMCQUMNGAGTQCAYGBIHRCFIEAEAQCKQBAMAQGAIFBIAQEBABBIGAA Deck-Link: Tracker: Finde mich auf: Twitch: Twitter: Meine Website! Mein Podcast Mastering Runeterra: YT: Spotify: I-Tunes: Streamed 12/01/22 Intro Song: ファミコン音源『KICK BACK』チェンソーマン OP Zeitstempel: 0:00 Intro 0:32 Spiel 1 9:36 Spiel 2 18:28 Spiel 3 29:22 Spiel 4 33:00 Spiel 5 Bearbeitet von Calpolmeister 🙂

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21 Gedanken zu „HEIMERDINGER entfesselt die Geister von Freljord!!“
  1. It that stares feels like a really odd addition to the deck when you neither want to deal 3 to your own board (low HP turrets) or destroy your own ARAM. It's understandable that Buried + Stares is Freljords big board clear, but that's probably just a limitation of the deck more than anything to suffer from the anti-synergy

  2. this is frustrating to watch as a control player. There are so many opportunities to pass initiative in case the opponent plays more minions but he just mindlessly reveals his hand instead of dropping minions the nxt turn then playing unleash.

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